OneForma by Centific

Cookie Policy

This is the Cookies Policy for the OneForma pages, accessible at and its subdomains.

What Are Cookies?

As is common practice for almost all professional websites, this website uses cookies to improve your user experience. Cookies are small files that are downloaded onto your computer and that store information about you as a user, and how you use and interact with this website.

This page describes what information cookies gather, how we use this information, and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored. However, this may downgrade or ‘break’ certain elements of the site’s functionality.

Cookie types and function 


  • Proprietary cookies: Sent from equipment or a domain managed by the website owner. 
  • Third-party cookies: Sent from equipment or a domain that is not managed by the website owner. 
  • Session cookies: Collect data while the user is browsing on the web page. 
  • Persistent cookies: Allow accessing data on the user’s terminal for a time defined by the party responsible for the cookie.  
  • Technical cookies: Allow the user to browse a website and use different options or services.   
  • Personalization cookies: Allow the user to access the service with certain characteristics.   
  • Analytical cookies: Allow tracking and analyzing the behavior of the user of websites to which they are linked for the purpose of introducing improvements based on aggregate data.  
  • Advertising cookies: They allow managing the editor’s advertising spaces based on certain criteria, such as edited content or access frequency.


How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for a variety of reasons, as detailed below. 

Cookie name




Google Analytics

Google Inc.

2 years

Traffic Behavior Analysis

Session cookie


8 hours

Keeping the user session active within your browser – allowing the user to visit authentication-protected areas (such as job applications and online tasks)


HotJar Ltd.

1 year

User Interface behavior analysis – generation of heatmaps to study the use of the UI of our platform from users


Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. (Please consult your browser’s help pages for detailed instructions on how to do this.) Please be aware that disabling cookies will affect your use of some features of our website.

You can also manage the setting of cookies by adjusting your preferences by clicking the cookie icon on the bottom left part of the screen and clicking “Customize”

International Data Transfers

The acceptance of some of these cookies may involve the international transfer of user data to third countries, necessary for the operation of the services of some of the providers of this website. The legal basis for such transfer is the consent of the user, expressed by consenting and accepting the use of cookies in each case. International data transfers will be carried out to countries with an adequate level of protection, declared by the European Commission and with the provision of appropriate safeguards such as Standard Contractual Clauses. In cases where there may be international data transfers, it will be through Cookies coming from third parties (Google and HotJar).You can find out about data transfers to third countries that, where appropriate, are made by the third parties identified in this cookie policy, in their corresponding policies on the processing of the data collected.  

Automated decisions including profiling

In this website there are perform automated decision making (including profiling), when you accept and consent to the operation of our Analytical/Advertising Cookies while browsing our website. The consequences of this processing will be the collection and analysis of your data for the creation of profiles to analyze your activity and advertising profiles to offer you personalized advertising. You can learn about the processing of data collected for this purpose, in the relevant policies on the processing of data collected from each of the third party Cookies Responsible identified. 

Retention Periods

The data collected by means of session cookies will only be kept for the period during which the user browses this website. The data collected by means of persistent cookies will be kept for a period longer than the browsing session on this website. You can learn about the conservation of data obtained by the third parties listed in the following section, in their corresponding policies on the processing of the data collected.

Identification of the responsible for the cookies and for the processing of the data obtained.

The responsible for own cookies and of the processing of the obtained data will be CENTIFIC. The contact e-mail address is: [email protected].

The responsible for third party cookies are Google Analytics and HotJar.

More Information

We sincerely hope that we have clarified things for you a bit more. If you are looking for further information or if you have any unanswered questions, please feel free to contact us via one of our preferred contact methods: